Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday? Eh.

I would just like to make it known that approximately 24 hours after Big O Sports Blog informed you that the four team Kevin Garnett trade was dead, ESPN reported the same thing. It also reported about a day later than I did, that the Wolves and Lakers probably weren't going to get a deal worked out by themselves because Minny didn't like what LA was bringing to the table. Now I don't claim to have broken these stories as you may be surprised to learn that I don't actually have an NBA inside sources, however I am pretty sure someone is Bristol is browsing the pages of Big O Sports Blog. First Stephen A. Smith is pulled from the NBA Finals coverage the day after Big O Sports Blog rips him, and now this. Coincidence? Probably, but if these things keep happening like this, I am going to have to get a site tracker to find out who is logging in from Connecticut. Well on the schedule for today is the bizarre mystery of Chris Benoit.

First off I would really appreciate it if people would stop chalking the double murder/suicide this weekend of professional wrestler Chris Benoit and his wife and 7 year old son to an abnormally bad fit of 'roid rage. This guy strangled his wife, suffocated a SEVEN year old, and then committed suicide over the course of a weekend. That's an awfully drawn out period of time for the whole thing to say an emotional outburst was the root of it all. This sounds like a very deliberate and thought-out act of violence, especially considering the fact that his wife had asked for a restraining order against Benoit before in addition to filing for divorce (which she later withdrew) citing the fact that Benoit had threatened her. Obviously this wasn't the first time the wrestler had considered harming his wife and son.

I by no means want to make light of the tragedy which occurred here, my only point is that this was a clearly unstable man and that likely had much more to do with why he killed his wife and child before taking his own life, than steroids did. Now I am not a doctor or a psychologist, but from what I understand steroids can lead to severe depression, and that makes sense considering you are more or less tinkering with your bodies chemical balances, however most of the time when people are depressed they just kill themselves, they don't kill the people around them. Furthermore, Benoit had a history before of abnormal and unstable behavior. Evidence would suggest that Benoit had been giving his seven year old son human growth hormone because he felt his son was too small. The kid was SEVEN! No one is a normal size when they're growing up. A "normal" sized child is only that way because they happened to land on the average of every other kid who vary from looking like 4 year olds to 11 year olds. Besides Chris Benoit was only 5'10'' tall, and only weighed 220 pounds because of heavy steroid use. If you are 5'10'' I wouldn't really count on your kid to be a giant. By all accounts Benoit was also a shy, recluse type who opened up to a very limited number of individuals. I know it's a cliche but cliches become cliches for a reason, it really is the quiet ones you have to look out for. I don't think the Uni-bomber was exactly the most outgoing individual. These type of things lead me to believe that Chris Benoit was simply not right in the head.

Could the longterm use of steroids have had a psychological effect on Chris Benoit which led to these events? Sure, they could have. However when the facts are taken into consideration it seems likely that something like this might have happened in Chris Benoit's life whether he was a 220 lbs, pro wrestling, longtime steroid user or a 160 lbs grocerystore manager. My heart goes out to those who knew and loved Chris Benoit's wife and son. My prayers go out on their behalf as well.

I was going to write about a couple other things today, but you really can't transition from that to anything so I am just going to go ahead and wrap it up for the day. Sorry there has been a lot of seriousness in Big O Sports Blog lately, I will resume being the hilarious writer you love shortly. Have a good day everybody.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Clearly you are a step ahead of those jokers at ESPN... or maybe it's deja vu...