Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

Well if you haven't noticed by now, and by now I mean all week and a half that this page has existed, I think I am taking Saturday's off. I know, you are crushed that you can only read new things on Big O Sports Blog six days a week, but until you start paying subscriptions than you just have to deal. If you would like to start paying me than I'll add that seventh update for you, I take cash and checks can be made out to me personally, Big O Sports Blog doesn't have a bank account . . . . yet. Anyway today is just several random things on my mind, so enjoy this snapshot of what its like to spend approximately 5-10 minutes in my head. Here goes.

Early this afternoon after I woke up from my weekly Sunday nap, I was watching the U.S. Open. I don't have a whole lot of in depth analysis on the event just some observations. First of all when did Tiger Woods get so jacked? I mean wasn't it just about a year, maybe a year and a half ago that he was starting to look a little soft around the edges, the double chin starting to emerge a bit. Now look at him, he was practically wearing a Nike version of Under Armour's skin tight heat wear and he looked like he was about to suit up at safety for the Patriots and then challenge for the world middleweight boxing title. I asked my friend about this and he jokingly replied steroids (neither of us actually believe Tiger is juicing) but if Tiger is actually on something, I would like to know what so I can go to GNC and buy some. I am starting to think that Tiger saw himself on SportsCenter one night and had a panic attack. His thoughts probably went something like this "It doesn't matter if I'm the best golfer of all time, I WILL not let Phil Mickelson have a better body than me."

This brings me to my second and last point about the U.S. Open today. While Tiger Woods is clearly a world class athlete, the same cannot be said about most golfers. Not just because several of them are overweight and probably couldn't run a mile in under a half hour, but because today's winner, Angel Cabrera, hit a shot toward the end of his round today and immediately reached into his bag and grabbed a cigarette and lit up. Not even kidding, its probably on Youtube right now. Actually probably not because I don't think Angel Cabrera has the makings of a Youtube sensation, but it happened. All I'm saying is, anything you can smoke do professionally and succeed at WHILE smoking, cannot be considered a sport. I have believed golf wasn't a sport for a long time, but after seeing a Tiger Woods that could break me in half, I was kind of on the fence. Don't worry though, Angel Cabrera, the man they call "the duck" settled things for me once and for all. Thanks Daffy.

Just a note, I am not bagging on golf, I actually really enjoy both playing and to a lesser extent watching, and I think it is an incredibly challenging game but I just cannot consider it a sport.

Moving on From Golf and its U.S. Open Champ Smokey McSmokerson

I was watching the Giants play the Red Sox this afternoon and Boston had a fairly comfortable lead, it was five runs at the time if I recall correctly when Barry Bonds hit a home run off Tim Wakefield. And as the ball sailed over J.D. Drew's outstretched glove and into the bullpen, a very strange thing happened. I wasn't mad. It is literally the first time I can ever remember anyone ever hitting a home run against the Red Sox and I wasn't the least bit upset about it. In fact, I was pretty happy about it. The game felt like it was in hand and you know what, I want Barry Bonds to get this record. Not only that, but I want him to crush it. Give me 775 Barry, I would love it. That's all I have to say.

Speaking of Boston, in the midst of a Yankees hot streak the coincided with a Red Sox funk, my optimism about New York being dead was certainly just that, optimism. Honestly deep down, I always knew the Yanks would make a run at things, I just tried to pretend that they didn't scare me. Well listen, anytime with that lineup should scare everyone, that team can mash. I still think they're a starter and some bullpen help short of winning the division but if they win the Wild Card I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised. You know how I can prove I am not just blowing smoke about this and that I always knew the Spankees were the only threat in the East? The whole time the Red Sox were building that ginormous (which by the way is still 8.5 games, which isn't really all that bad) division lead, I never told people how far we were ahead of second place, I told people how far we were ahead of the Yankees. When New York was 14.5 back, they were in fourth place, and you know what, I have no idea how close the second place team was. I am not even sure who it was. I think it was Baltimore and I think it was double digit games but really it didn't matter because the Yankees were 14.5 back and they're the team we had to worry about. With that though, like I said, I think the Yanks are a starter, some bullpen help and maybe even a guy they can count on at first base away from being a championship team, which obviously is much closer than most team are, and again obviously those are needs that will probably be met at the trade deadline (or by people, Phillip Hughes, getting healthy) but a team with a $200 million payroll shouldn't have to get help at the deadline. And I know the Red Sox have the second highest payroll in baseball, but we're in first so it doesn't matter.

That's all folks, hope you were nice to your dad's today. THE END!


Minda said...

I'll pay you to blog if you pay me to blog.

I was a varsity golfer all four years of high school, and one of my favorite pastimes (besides actually playing) was bragging to people who played basketball, football, etc about how much pop I could drink during my season...even at practice. I think I averaged about 32 ounces of Dr Pepper per golf practice, which basically means that I agree totally that golf is an AWESOME game but is not a sport in the same sense that football, basketball, and all the rest are.

Were you in attendance for the longest CWS game ever? That was insane. (At least it looked that way on TV)

Anonymous said...

Dear Minda,

Sport (noun)- athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature.